Well it has been a while since I sat down to update my blog. A lot has happened since Sept 2009. So here are some highlights of what has been happening around the Kimbrell household.
Emily and Macey started 2nd and 4th grade! How in the world did they get so big?

Macey started TaeKwon-Do a year ago and last week tested for her green advanced belt. She loves kicking, punching, learning new patterns and sparring.
I graduated from TWU with my Masters of Science-Nursing Education in December. It was quite an accomplishment and something I never thought I could do. It would not have been possible without all of the support from my family and friends.
In January, we took a cruise to the Bahamas. We swam with dolphins and went parasailing. We had a fantastic time!
There are many more exciting things that have happened since my last post. Tim and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. My cousin Amy got married. My sister and brother-in-law,
Erica and Joel, started the adoption process to bring their little girl
Annie home. My sister Erin graduated from nursing school and is currently doing an internship in labor and delivery and my mom is finishing up her PhD.